Top: What a transistor looks like when it stops glowing orange.

Top: What a transistor looks like when it stops glowing orange.

The V1.0 Flyback prototyping setup is slick for a few different reasons. In my design I didn't seek to make the ideal flyback/boost/etc converter, I sought to make the ideal flyback/boost/etc prototyping system. The board supports boost and flyback topologies natively, and a few more topologies with a bit more effort, but the real strength of the board comes from the hardware surrounding it. It accepts split power supplies, with a 5V logic control input, and a separate converter input, and has a variable f/d oscillator, much like uFreq. Additionally, it has on-board over and under voltage comparators fed by a presettable voltage divider off of the main output rail. The outputs to these can either be taken as 5V logic outs, or run through on-board LEDs for quick visual testing feedback.