Lens: Nikon EL-Nikkor 150mm f/5.6-45. Bellows: Soligor. T-Mount: random Amazon seller. Adapters to Kludge all of these together: me.
I picked up this EL-Nikkor for free a while back, but had been wanting a bellows lens for quite some time. The bellows mount necessitates a longer focal length enlarger lens. The other enlarger lenses that I tried, a 50mm, and a 28mm both did not have the back focus distance to accommodate the thickness of the bellows. The glass is uncoated, the colors aren't very vivid, and the lens isn't very sharp. On the flip-side, the lens is that beautiful metal construction with enameled numbering that really doesn't pop up too often any more, it focuses incredibly close, and the cool factor if seeing this mounted sideways on a D810 (the lower part of the bellows can't swing into place if the setup isn't mounted 90 degrees off of the way it should be) is substantial. The focusing mechanics/ergonomics are a draw. Would I do it again? You betcha. Have some sample images.